Thursday, 26 December 2019

He Speaks Through Creation

Many of you will know that my wife, Barbie, and I are serving as missionaries with Elim in Southern Africa. Some will also know that I have authored two books, Exquisite Jesus and Surrendered  Warriors. Surrendered Warriors is due to be published early in 2020. 

One of the great things about living where we do is that when we minister in rural areas the night sky is amazing. The stars are clear against the dark blanket of space. Even more amazing is the fact that we can see the Milky Way with the naked eye! 

In writing Surrendered Warriors, not everything made it into the book during the editorial process. It is not that the material was not up to scratch, but simply would make the book too long or was slightly off subject. One such passage I am posting below: that God speaks through creation. I hope you enjoy reflecting on this little devotional.

He Speaks Through Creation

I have found that sensates - those who particularly are stimulated and perceive by their senses - tend to be enamoured but what they see and experience in creation. Creation speaks in the following ways to everyone:

Creation declares that God is real and you're not here by accident (Psalm 19:1; Zechariah 12:1). 
To marvel at creation is one thing. To wonder how it comes into being is another, reminding all enquiring minds that the why of Creation is to point to the majesty of the living God.

Creation declares that Jesus is real (Romans 8:20-22). 
The world around you and the universe beyond you is frustrated. In fact it is in bondage. Bondage of sin and decay. In Christ Jesus it finds its hope, just as you have, that it will be liberated. 

Paul describes this as it being “brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.” A mistake so often make in the Western Church is that salvation is purely an individual experience,  that Jesus forgives you of your sins and that is the end of the matter. 

The truth of the gospel is that Jesus came to establish a Kingdom that would be displayed through the Church but also that would redeem Creation.

Creation declares that Jesus is coming back (Romans 8:22). 
Paul uses the example of creation to remind the Roman believers that the decay they see in their natural bodies is a sign of the yearning for the return of Jesus. We know that God is going to miraculously restore the health of this world. John in the book of Revelation describes this as a new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21:1). 

Whilst creation is literally groaning, it still points to the Creative mind behind its existence (Romans 8:22).

Creation declares the praise of God.  
Have you ever found yourself so caught up in the wonder of creation that praise and worship bubble up from within you? If so you're not alone! 
The very creation that you're a part of is designed to respond in the praise of Father a God: 
“Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the heights above. Praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his heavenly hosts. Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars. Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created. He set them in place for ever and ever; he gave a decree that will never pass away,” (Psalm 148:1-6). 

One of the ways the creation is designed to speak to you is  to lead you to praise God. Some animistic cultures interpret this feeling as God himself and, therefore, worship creation. 
The true purpose of creation, what you see around you in the splendour of nature, is to signpost humanity towards a relationship with our Creator, not the creation. It shows an intelligent mind behind it all.

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